
Agreement of Sale and General Power of Attorney Format

If you are in the process of buying or selling property, you will undoubtedly come across the terms “agreement of sale” and “general power of attorney.” These two legal documents are an essential part of the real estate transaction process. In this article, we will discuss the agreement of sale and general power of attorney format and their importance in completing a property deal.

Agreement of Sale Format

An agreement of sale is a legal contract between a buyer and a seller. It outlines the terms and conditions of the property sale and clarifies the rights and obligations of both parties. The agreement of sale format typically begins with the heading “Agreement of Sale” and includes the following:

1. Parties involved: This section lists the names and addresses of the buyer and seller.

2. Property details: This section provides a detailed description of the property, including its location, size, and boundaries.

3. Purchase price: This section outlines the purchase price of the property and how the payment will be made.

4. Payment schedule: This section outlines the payment schedule agreed upon between the buyer and seller.

5. Possession: This section outlines when the buyer will take possession of the property.

6. Closing details: This section outlines the closing date, including any contingencies or conditions that need to be met before closing.

7. Representations and warranties: This section outlines the representations and warranties made by the seller regarding the property.

8. Contingencies: This section outlines any contingencies and conditions that need to be met before the sale is finalized.

9. Governing law: This section outlines the governing law of the agreement.

General Power of Attorney Format

A general power of attorney is a legal document that grants someone else the authority to act on your behalf. This document can be used for a variety of purposes, including buying or selling property. The general power of attorney format typically begins with the heading “General Power of Attorney” and includes the following:

1. Grantor and agent information: This section lists the name and address of the grantor (the person granting the power) and the agent (the person receiving the power).

2. Powers granted: This section outlines the specific powers granted to the agent, including the ability to buy or sell property.

3. Duration of power: This section outlines the duration of the power granted to the agent.

4. Termination of power: This section outlines when the power granted to the agent will be terminated.

5. Governing law: This section outlines the governing law of the power of attorney.

Importance of Agreement of Sale and General Power of Attorney

Both the agreement of sale and general power of attorney are important legal documents in completing a property deal. The agreement of sale sets out the terms and conditions of the property sale, protecting both the buyer and seller`s rights and obligations. On the other hand, the general power of attorney grants someone else the ability to act on your behalf, ensuring that the necessary actions can be taken to complete the property deal.


In conclusion, the agreement of sale and general power of attorney format are essential legal documents in completing a property deal. Both documents ensure that the necessary terms and conditions are met, and the necessary actions are taken to complete the deal. If you are in the process of buying or selling property, it is essential to have a clear understanding of these legal documents and their importance in completing the transaction.